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The Best Egg Laying Chicken Breeds: A Comprehensive Guide

Chicks and Eggs

When it comes to raising chickens for eggs, it is important to choose the right breed. Selecting the right breed can have a significant impact on the number of eggs you get, the quality of the eggs, and the temperament of the chickens. In this comprehensive guide, we will cover the top chicken breeds for egg production and provide information on their egg-laying capabilities, temperament, and other important factors.


The Leghorn is a popular breed for commercial egg production due to their ability to produce up to 300 eggs per year. They are known for their small size, flightiness, and tendency to be noisy. While they may not be the most docile breed, they are excellent foragers and do well in a free-range environment.

Rhode Island Red

The Rhode Island Red is one of the most popular breeds for backyard chicken keeping and egg production. They are known for being good layers of large, brown eggs, and they have a calm and friendly temperament. They are also a dual-purpose breed, which means they can be used for meat as well as eggs.

Plymouth Rock

The Plymouth Rock is a dual-purpose breed that is known for its ability to produce a large number of brown eggs. They have a friendly disposition and are easy to handle, making them a great choice for families with children. They are also a hardy breed that can tolerate cold weather.


The Australorp is a breed that’s known for its docile temperament and its ability to lay large, brown eggs. They are a hardy breed that’s good in cold weather and are great for backyard flocks. They can produce up to 250 eggs per year and are also used for meat production.


The Wyandotte is a breed that’s known for its beautiful feather patterns and its ability to lay large, brown eggs. They are a docile breed that’s good for families with children and are also good for meat production. They produce around 200 eggs per year and are cold-hardy.


The Orpington is a breed that’s known for being a good layer of large, brown eggs. They are a docile breed that’s good for families with children and are good in colder weather. These chickens are also good for meat production and can be used as a dual-purpose breed. They produce around 200 eggs per year.


The Sussex is a breed that’s known for being a good layer of large, brown eggs. They’re a hardy breed that’s good in cold weather and are easy to handle. These chickens are also good for meat production and can be used as a dual-purpose breed. They produce around 250 eggs per year.


The Hamburg is a breed that’s known for its ability to lay white eggs. They are a small breed that’s good for free-ranging and are known for being excellent foragers. They are also a hardy breed that’s good in cold weather and can produce up to 200 eggs per year.


The Marans is a breed that’s known for its ability to lay dark brown eggs. They are a docile breed that’s good for backyard flocks and are also used for meat production. They produce around 150-200 eggs per year.


The Ancona is a breed that’s known for its ability to lay large, white eggs. They are excellent foragers and can produce up to 200 eggs per year. They come in a variety of colors, including silver-spangled, golden-spangled, and black.

In addition to the breed descriptions, it’s important to consider other factors when selecting the best egg-laying chicken breed for your needs.

Here are a few additional things to keep in mind:

  1. Climate: Different chicken breeds are adapted to different climates. Consider the temperature range and weather patterns in your area when selecting a breed.
  2. Space requirements: Some breeds do well in small spaces, while others need more room to move around. Consider the size of your coop and yard when selecting a breed.
  3. Egg color: While egg color may not be the most important factor when selecting a breed, it’s still something to consider. Some people prefer brown eggs, while others prefer white or blue/green eggs.
  4. Availability: Not all chicken breeds are available in all areas. Make sure to research the availability of different breeds in your area before making a decision.
  5. Purpose: Some breeds are better suited for meat production, while others are better for egg production. Consider whether you want to raise chickens for both eggs and meat, or just for eggs.

Once you’ve selected a breed, it’s important to provide your chickens with proper care and nutrition to ensure they lay the most eggs possible. Make sure they have access to fresh water and a balanced diet that includes protein, calcium, and other important nutrients.

In conclusion, selecting the best egg-laying chicken breed for your needs requires careful consideration of a variety of factors. By researching the different breeds and taking into account your climate, space requirements, egg color, availability, and purpose, you can find the perfect breed to meet your needs. With proper care and nutrition, your chickens will be happy and healthy, and will provide you with fresh, delicious eggs for years to come.

Want To Learn More About Owning Chickens For Home Egg Production?

If you’re seriously interested in raising chickens for eggs and maybe even meat then look no further than The Self-Sufficient Backyard: For The Independent Homesteader!

You’ll find out everything you need to know about raising chickens, from egg to your dinner table. Chickens “done right” really are the most cost-effective protein source for any homesteader.

You’ll learn simple tricks to make each hen lay more than 300 eggs per year. With step-by-step tutorials, you’ll learn how to set up a coop, select the right breeds, and care for your birds to ensure optimal health and egg production. Don’t miss out on this valuable resource – click HERE now and to learn how to start raising your own healthy, delicious chickens!

The Self-Sufficient Backyard: For The Independent Homesteader!

Here are some of the best places to order chickens:

  1. Murray McMurray Hatchery ( This hatchery has been in business since 1917 and is known for its wide selection of breeds, including rare and hard-to-find varieties. They offer everything from day-old chicks to started pullets, and also sell supplies and equipment for raising chickens.
  2. My Pet Chicken ( This hatchery specializes in small orders of chickens, making it a great choice for backyard chicken keepers. They offer a variety of breeds and also sell supplies, books, and gifts related to chicken-keeping.
  3. Cackle Hatchery ( With over 200 breeds and varieties to choose from, Cackle Hatchery has one of the widest selections of any hatchery. They also offer rare breeds and breed assortments, making it a great choice for those looking for something unique.
  4. McMurray Hatchery ( This hatchery has been in business for over 100 years and is known for its high-quality chickens and excellent customer service. They offer a wide selection of breeds, including rare and hard-to-find varieties, and also sell supplies and equipment for raising chickens.
  5. Meyer Hatchery ( Meyer Hatchery is a family-owned business that has been in operation since 1985. They offer a variety of breeds, including rare and heritage varieties, and also sell supplies and equipment for raising chickens.
  6. Tractor Supply Co. ( Tractor Supply Co. is a popular retailer that sells everything from farm supplies to home goods. They offer a selection of chicks, including popular breeds like Rhode Island Reds and Leghorns.
  7. Purely Poultry ( This hatchery offers a variety of breeds and also sells supplies and equipment for raising chickens. They are known for their excellent customer service and fast shipping.

When ordering chickens, it’s important to do your research and select a reputable hatchery or supplier. Look for reviews from other customers, and make sure the hatchery has a good reputation for providing healthy, high-quality chicks.


  1. “Plymouth Rock Chicken Breed Information” from The Happy Chicken Coop (
  2. “Rhode Island Red Chicken Breed Information” from The Happy Chicken Coop (
  3. “Leghorn Chicken Breed Information” from The Happy Chicken Coop (
  4. “Ameraucana Chicken Breed Information” from The Happy Chicken Coop (
  5. “Sussex Chicken Breed Information” from The Happy Chicken Coop (
  6. “Orpington Chicken Breed Information” from The Happy Chicken Coop (
  7. “Top 20 Chicken Breeds for Your Backyard Coop” from Backyard Chicken Coops (
  8. “The Ultimate Guide to Chicken Breeds” from The Happy Chicken Coop (
  9. “The Best Egg-Laying Chickens for Your Homestead” from Homestead Honey (
  10. “The 5 Best Egg Laying Chickens” from Countryside Network (

These sources provide valuable information on the characteristics, egg-laying abilities, and other important factors to consider when selecting the best egg-laying chicken breed for your needs.